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- About the Sport Parks Project
- Contact
- Festivals
- Mapa stránek
- Successful launch of the Handbook for Olympic Festival Organisers
- Last study visit hosted by the NOC of Slovenia
- Olympic Festivals Pyeongchang 2018 discussed in Zagreb
- Study visit to the pilot Olympic Festivals
- Brno and Ostrava staging Olympic Festivals Pyeongchang 2018
- Grenoble celebrates the Olympics – 1968 meets 2018
- Rogla, Slovenia: Olympic Festival goes mountains
- From Europe together to Korea
- Sustainability at the core of Sport Parks Study Visit to Helsinki
- Two inspiring days in Paris for the Sport Parks team
- France, Italy and Slovenia. These countries confirmed preparations of Sport Parks 2018
- Czechs report: Brno Olympic Park will offer a unique experience
- Olympic Parks have had two success stories so far
- Flash analysis of the physical activity of the Czechs
- Adolescent obesity trends according WHO
- Team